










ILCI of Todi (Pg-Italy)




"E' Pancrazio, Santo in Ciel, our lawyer should always be praised". The patron saint is San Pancrazio, the young Christian martyred in Roman times, whose statue is inside the Parish Church.
The festival, with its procession, is celebrated on the first Sunday after May 12 (saint's day).
Once particularly felt was at the party of "Corpus Domini" also celebrated with a procession and "infiorata".
The Ascension was also an important holiday: the night before "the fires" were lit from one heights to another and shouted:
- "Compa ', what's tomorrow?"
- "The Ascension!"
- "Blessed be God our Lord!"
Finally, on Easter Sunday, it was usual to play the "foriverde".
And then the parties related to Nature:
"The Rogations" to ask for a good harvest.
"La Scartocciata", when the "corn" was harvested and arranged for the winter, which closed the summer commitments (harvest, beating, etc.) with a liberating dance.


Modi di dire

  M'armentovo: mi ricordo.

  A pomessa: al riparo dal vento

  all' aquilone: dove batte tramontana

  la sperella: spiraglio del sole

  a la miriana: all'ombra

  Scapa': Selezionare

  Tamanto: enorme

  Bistorno: Ovale

  A cianfo: alla rinfusa

  Gaffo: dispari

  Pianello: pianerottolo 

  Giangica': Mordicchiare

  Fantijole : Convulsioni infantili

  Fa' pijà le fantijole: Spaventare 

  Arromenta': Darsi da fare, sbrigarsi

  Caraolla: Malleolo (Caviglia osso)

  Stroncicato: Graffiato

  Arlocare: Mettere in ordine

  Sbricciaiato: Spettinato

  'Ncamato: Rauco

  'Nzorca' : Ungere, sporcare

   Potto: bambino

  nicchio: piccolo (es. poro nicchio=povero piccolo!)

  Muntigno: mucchio

  es. "un muntigno de potti" : un folto gruppo di bambini

       detto anche "pottolame".

  "A Sant'Arnallo delle cipolle, chi ci va', ci piglia moglie"

  "I quattro aprilanti 40 di' duranti"

  "Quanno sòna l'Avemmaria, anche il matto a casa sua"

  "Bon parla' de bocca molto vale e poco costa"

The Parish Church

San Pancrazio

On May 12 one celebrates Saint Pancrazio, one of the many martyrs which have been persecuted under the reign of Emperor Diocletian, who ruled the Roman Empire from 284 to 305. In the ancient Church Pancrazio represented a model of adolescent who dedicated his life to his God, remaining faithful to the baptism received.
He was born in 289 in Phrygia (historical region of western Turkey) by Cleonio and Cerada, both nobles who professed pagan religion, which they taught also to their child. Pancrazio, orphaned at an early age, was entrusted to the care of his uncle Dionisio, elected administrator of the assets that his family owned in Phrygia and in Rome.

Uncle and nephew soon moved to Rome, where a Christian community intensely believed in the crucified and risen Lord. Dionysius and Pancratius became aware of the new religion and asked to be a part of it. They underwent a demanding catechesis and, in a solemn Easter vigil, they were admitted into the Christian community by baptism, which was most probably administered by the Pope (St. Marcellino). At that time there was the terrible persecution of Diocletian: a real battle between Christianity and paganism. Pancrazio, animated by the desire
of martyrdom, was arrested and sent to a judge, who questioned him who he was. Pancrazio answered firmly: "I am Pancrazio and I am a Christian". It was the password. The judge tried in every way to induce him to an act of worship towards the emperor. The young Christian showed himself adamant: he would never have renounced Christ for a man, even the emperor of Rome. Then the judge was forced to apply the law and ordered that Pancrazio be beheaded outside the city, on the Via Aurelia. The pious Roman matron Ottavilla took the martyr  body and buried it in the cemetery of Calepodio. Once the persecutions against the Church ended, a basilica was erected on the young martyr tomb, where the Christian community of Rome went every Sunday after Easter to show the newly baptized people to the saint, who were used to place on this altar the white robe worn in baptism .
They begged him to be able to imitate his courage and his faith in the risen Lord.

Images by Andrea Ceccarini